Dr. Moda Dieng
Senior Advisor, Peace, Security, and Conflict
West Africa and the Sahel
Dr. Moda Dieng specializes in peace and security issues in Africa. He is also an expert in countering violent extremism (CVE) and has conducted several research projects in West Africa and the Sahel region. Dr. Dieng explores facets of violent extremism and organized crime, including modes of financing.
Dr. Dieng has authored and edited numerous publications that enable a deeper understanding of African security challenges. His publications have appeared in major academic journals including Contemporary Security Policy, The European Journal of Development Research and African Journal of Terrorism and Insurgency Research.
Dr. Dieng also translates his research into workable policy recommendations. As a consultant to USAID, he worked with Social Impact and International Business & Technical consultants in assessment and research projects geared toward supporting initiatives in West Africa. Dr. Dieng holds a PhD in Political Science and a diploma in International Development Studies from the University of Toulouse 1 – Capitole University, and a Master’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Toulouse, Jean-Jaurès.